Austwick Village Show Results

Austwick Village Show 2023

The results are in!
This year’s results are as follows:
Challenge Trophy for the Best Exhibit in the Show: David Baker. Winifred Mattinson Cup for
most points in the Flower Section: Martin Pettiford. Ulrich Kube Memorial Cup for four roses: Not
awarded. Richard Wallbank Trophy for Best Pot Plant: C Vaughan Williams. Byles Challenge
Cup for the best Bowl of Roses: Kate Smith. Chapman Trophy for the most points in the Artistic
Flower Section: Carol Wilkinson. Tibbatts Trophy for most points in the Vegetable Section: Bill
Procter. Fred Price Memorial Trophy One Flower/One Vegetable: Bill Proctor.. Preston Cup Tray
of four distinct Vegetables: Bill Procter. Brook Poultry Cup for the best exhibit in the Egg Section:
Gwen Cleverley. Brook Cookery Cup for most points in the Cookery Section: Carol Wilkinson.
Marjorie Wedderburn Prize best cookery exhibit: Judy Leeming. Foster Beaver Challenge Cup
for most points in the combined Produce Sections: Bill Procter. Glyn Jones Challenge Cup for the
most points in the Handicraft Section: Pam Smith. Jean Dodgson Award for best item in Handicraft
Section: David Baker. Metcalfe Cup for the best Photographic Exhibit: Diane Storey. Malcolm
Bowker Trophy for Photography (set subject): Diane Storey. Nellie Price Memorial Cup for the
most points in the Children’s Section: Ethan Boxford. Brook Handwriting Cup (8-14 years): Karina
Artyomova. Sharples Cup for the best exhibit in the Children’s Section: Jack Moss. New Entrant
Prize for the best first time adult entrant: Andrew Phillips
Flower Section:
4 Garden Pinks 1. P Tibbatts 2. C Wilkinson. 4 Pansies/Violas1. B Procto 2. C Lardner
4 French/African marigolds 1. M Pettiford 2.M Pettiford 4 dahlias: 1. A Rigby 2. R Selling 4 phlox: 1. H
Brown 2. A Rigby 3 stems of a flowering shrub: 1.J Smith 2. K Smith 9 spikes sweet peas: 1. S Wood 2.
C Lardner A container of sweet peas: 1. C Vaughan Williams 2.S Wood A vase of hardy annuals: 1. G
Cleverly A vase of hardy perennials: 1. H Brown 2. J Smith A flowering house plant: 1. M Preston 2. M
Preston A house plant grown for its foliage: 1. C Vaughan-Williams 2. M Barrington A cactus or
succulent: 1.C Leeming 2. R Selling A bowl of roses: 1. K Smith
Best in Section: Hilary Brown – A vase of hardy perennials
Artistic Flower Section:
‘Home Grown’: 1. H Thompson 2. M Preston ‘A Song Title’: 1. D Storey 2.C Wilkinson ‘Lets Go Crazy:

  1. C Wilkinson 2. E Thornton ‘Be a sport’: 1.E Thornton 2. C Wilkinson An arrangement in a bucket: 1.
    E Thornton 2. C Barber
    Best in Section: Diane Storey – ‘A Song Title’
    Vegetable and Fruit Section:
    4 white potatoes: 1.B Procter 2. D Smith 4 coloured potatoes: 1. B Procter 2. G Cleverley 3 carrots: 1.B
    Procter 2. D Baker 3 beetroot: 1. B Procter 2. K Huck 3 white onions: 1.B Proctor 2.M Southworth 3 red
    onions: 1. R Holden 2. G Cleverley 7 Shallots: 1. & 2. B Procter 2 leeks: 1. B Procter 2. M Pettiford
    5 bulbs of garlic: 1.M Southworth 2. B Proctor 6 pods of peas: 1.G Cleverley 2. M Pettiford 6 pods of
    broad beans: 1.B Proctor 2. P Tibbatts 6 pods of French beans: 1. B Proctor 2.D Baker 6 pods of runner
    beans: 1. C Vaughan-Williams 2.R Barber 2 courgettes: 1. B Procter 2. R Barber 1 cauliflower: 1.G
    Cleverly 1 cabbage: 1. B Procter 2. G Cleverly 1 cucumber: 1. P Tibbatts 2. D Baker 4 ripe tomatoes: 1.C
    Wilkinson 2. S Dewhirst A truss of tomatoes: 1. B Proctor 2.P Tibbatts 1 flower and 1 vegetable: 1B
    Proctor 2.C Wilkinson 4 distinct vegetables on a tray: 1.B Procter 2. G Cleverly Up to 6 culinary herbs:
    1.B Procter 2. K Smith A saucer of one variety soft fruit: 1. G Cleverly 2. B Procter Up to 4 soft fruits:
    1.G Cleverly 2. B Procter Any vegetable or fruit not included elsewhere: 1. B Procter 2. D Baker
    Best in Section: David Baker – Vegetable Produce
    Egg Section:
    3 hen eggs: 1. G Cleverley 2. K Hinds 3 hen eggs including contents: 1.G Cleverly
    Best in Section: Gwen Cleverley – Hen egg contents
    Cookery Section:
    A cob loaf: 1. N Burton 2. A Pilkington 4 ginger biscuits: 1.J Huck 2. C Eccleston 4 fruit scones: 1. S
    Dewhirst 2. C Eccleston 4 chocolate brownies: 1. J Huck 2. Carol Wilkinson Tray bake: 1. J Huck 2. S
    Dewhirst Coronation cake: 1. C Wilkinson Recipe item – Cherry cake: 1. J Huck 2. H Thompson
    4 muffins: 1.C Wilkinson A vegetarian savoury: 1. J Leeming 2. J Leeming Jar of jam 1. B Proctor 2. J
    Huck A jar of sweet/savoury jelly: 1. G Cleverly 2. D Baker A jar of marmalade: 1. C Wilkinson 2. C
    Wilkinson Jar of citrus curd: 1. K Huck 2. G Cleverly A cordial or non-alcoholic drink: 1. M Preston 2.
    K Hinds A bottle of homemade wine or liqueur: 1&2. C Wilkinson A jar of pickle/chutney/relish: 1.J
    Huck 2. H Brown
    Best in Section: Judy Leeming – Vegetarian savoury
    Art, Photography & Handicraft Section:
    A painting ‘A Village Scene’: 1. A Phillips 2. A Jupp A painting in any medium: 1. M Greenhalgh 2. P
    Smith A drawing ‘Through a Gate’: 1. I Radford 2. D Storey A drawing any other subject: 1. S Smith 2.
    D Meadows 4 different photographs, theme ‘Seaside’:1.& 2. D Storey 4 themed photographs: 1.C
    Leeming 2. I Radford 2. A photograph – ‘Abandoned Building’: 1. D Storey 2. L Smith Papercraft: 1. P
    Smith 2 K Hale Bag, box or bowl: 1. E Cox 2. J Smith An item of interior/exterior decor: 1. E Cox 2. P
    Smith An item using embroidery thread: 1. S Dewhirst 2. H Brown Knitted/ crocheted item: 1.& 2. H
    Brown Other needlework: 1.H Meadows 2. S Gooch An item of felt work: 1. M Greenhalgh 2. P Smith
    Any other item: 1. D Baker 2. J Garlick
    Best in Art & Photography Sections: Melanie Greenhalgh – Painting in any medium
    Best in Handicraft Sections: David Baker – Any Other Item
    Children’s Section:
    Artwork, under 5 years: 1. F Lee 2.E Boxford Artwork, 5-8 years: 1. I Pettiford 2. R Malius
    Handwriting 8 – 14 years: 1. K Artyomova 2. G Huck Painting/drawing of my favourite animal: 1. K
    Artyomova 2. A Webster Beware of the Bull Poster: 1. W Swinscoe 2. E Huck A decorated letter of the
    alphabet: 1.E Boxford 2. H Boxford Miniature garden: 1. I Pettiford, 2.F Pettiford A Painted Stone 1.E
    Huck 2. E Boxford Hand Decorated Card 1. E Boxford 2. H Boxford
    Best in Section: Jack Moss – Anything you like
    Sheila Gooch ( Minute Secretary ) 14.8.2023

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