Fell Race – Austwick Amble

The Austwick Amble Fell Race will be held in conjunction with the village’s Street Market on Monday 26th May 2025.  We once again welcome runners to this very popular bank holiday event.

Enter the Race

You can enter the Senior and Junior Races in advance via SiEntries up to Wednesday 21st May when advance entries will close.

Entry fees are…

– £8 for seniors if paid in advance via SiEntries or

– £12 for senior entry on the day (up to the limit of 250 runners)

– £3 for juniors in advance or on the day

For entry on the day, please download the appropriate entry form for completion and handing in at registration.

Austwick Amble Senior Race Entry Form

Austwick Amble Junior Race Entry Form

If you are not accompanying your child to registration, you will also need to read the following document and complete the form at the foot of it.

FRA Parental Consent Form

Austwick Amble Race Routes

Read details of the Senior and Junior Race Routes and see the route maps with the current course records.

Safety Rules

Please familiarise yourself with the Safety Rules for Competitors.


Registration is open from 10.15 am on the village green. Please register early.


The first three senior men and women receive prizes valued £40, £30 and £20 respectively.

In addition, there is a bonus of £50 for the men and women’s race winners, if the respective course records are broken.

The first 3 junior boys and girls in each age category also receive £8, £6 and £4 respectively (£6, £4 and £3 for Under 11s). 

First man and woman over 40 receive a prize – TBC

First man and woman over 50 receives a prize – TBC

First man and woman over 60 receives a prize – TBC

Austwick Amble 2024

There was some great racing last year. See Austwick Amble Results 2024.