Austwick Village Show 2024 Results

Austwick Village Show 2024

Austwick Village Horticultural and Local Produce Show was again held this year on the first Saturday in August in Austwick Parish Hall. The usual high-quality kitchen-garden produce, flowers, cookery, handicrafts and artwork entered for the show by both seasoned exhibitors and a sizeable number of new exhibitors, managed to achieve an amazing combination of colour, skill and artistry with the standard of exhibits on display as excellent as ever. Consequently, the visitors this year had much to admire whilst also enjoying the home-made cakes and refreshments on offer during the show. Due to the fine weather this year, the prize giving was able to take place outside in the Parish Hall garden where the prize winners were presented with their trophies and cups including a prize first introduced in 2022 for the best first-time adult. Entries in the vegetable and soft fruit and the flower sections were affected to some extent this year due to prolonged poor weather conditions but the quality in these sections and the overall quality of the exhibits remained high. The children’s entries were particularly strong this year and their exhibits were displayed for the first time in the main hall alongside the handicrafts which added to the enjoyment of the visitors.

The image above shows the cup winners this year in the adult and children’s sections.

Back row left to right: Tony Horsewill, Sheila Gooch, Carol Wilkinson, Doon Storey, Dr Catherine Vaughan-Williams, Bill Proctor, Kathryn Hind

Front row: Diane Storey, Harris Boxford, Molly Preston, Elizabeth Huck

This year’s results are as follows:

Cups and Trophies

Challenge Trophy for The Best Exhibit in the Show:Tony Horsewill

Winifred Mattinson Challenge Cup for most points in the Flower Section: Dr Catherine Vaughan-Williams

Ulrich Kube Memorial Cup for best four roses:Dr Catherine Vaughan-Williams

Richard Wallbank Memorial Trophy for Best Pot Plant: Molly Preston

Byles Challenge Cup for the best Bowl of Roses: Carol Wilkinson

Chapman Trophy for the most points in the Artistic Flower Section: Carol Wilkinson.

Tibbatts Trophy for most points in vegetable section: Bill Procter

Preston Cup for tray of four distinct vegetables: Bill Procter

Fred Price Memorial Trophy for one flower and one vegetable: Bill Procter

Brook Poultry Cup for the best exhibit in the Egg Section: Kathryn Hinds

Brook Cookery Cup for most points in the cookery section: Carol Wilkinson

Foster Beaver Challenge Cup for most points in the combined produce section: Bill Procter

Glyn Jones Challenge Cup for the most points in the Handicraft Section: Sheila Gooch.

Jean Dodgson Prize (voucher) best handicraft exhibit: Tony Horsewill

Metcalfe Cup for the best Photographic Exhibit: Diane Storey

Malcolm Bowker Trophy for Photography (set subject): Doon Storey

Nellie Price Memorial Cup for most points in the children’s’ sections: Elizabeth Huck

Brook Handwriting Cup for best handwriting 8-14 years: Elizabeth Huck

Sharples Cup for the best exhibit in the Children’s Section: Harris Boxford

New Entrant (Voucher) for best first-time adult entrant: Tony Horsewill

Flower Section:

4 roses: 1.C. Vaughan-Williams 2 P Tibbatts 3 gladioli :1. O Hawkins 4 garden pinks:

2. P Tibbatts 4 pansies or violas: 1. J Leeming 4 pot marigolds: 2.G Cleverly

4 French or African marigolds: 1. P Tibbatts 2. S Dewhirst 4 dahlias: 2. R Barber

4 phlox: 1. H Brown 2. S Goold

3 stems of a flowering shrub: 1. J Huck 2. R Barber. 9 spikes sweet peas: 1. O Hawkins

2. Dr. C Vaughan-Williams A container of sweet peas: 1. Dr. C Vaughan-Williams 2.S Dewhirst

A vase of hardy annuals: 2. G Cleverly A vase of hardy perennials: 1. H Brown

2. J Huck A flowering house plant: 1. M Preston 2. Dr.. C Vaughan-Williams A house plant grown for its foliage: 1.J Leeming 2. Dr.. C Vaughan-Williams A cactus or succulent: 1. C Leeming 2. I Radford A bowl of roses: 1. C Wilkinson 2. Dr…C Vaughan-Williams A bowl of nasturtiums: 1. S Dewhirst 2. A Rigby

Best in Section: Dr. C Vaughan-Williams, container of sweet peas

Artistic Flower Section:

Where have all the flowers gone: 1. C Wilkinson 2. H Thompson A Nursery rhyme: 1. C Wilkinson 2. D Storey ‘Burst of orange’: 1.C Wilkinson 2. O Hawkins Taste of Asia:

1. & 2. C Wilkinson: An Arrangement in an unusual container: 1.O Hawkins 2. C Wilkinson

Best in Section: Carol Wilkinson, Taste of Asia.

Vegetable and Fruit Section:

4 white potatoes: 1. & 2. B Proctor 4 coloured potatoes: 1 & 2. B Proctor 3 carrots: 1. K Hinds 3 white onions: 1.I Radford 2. K Hinds 3 red onions 1. K Huck

7 Shallots: 1. B Proctor 2.P Tibbatts 2 leeks 1. B Proctor 2. P Tibbatts 5 bulbs of garlic

1. B Proctor 2. P Tibbatts 6 pods of peas: 1. I Radford 2. B Proctor

6 pods of broad beans: 1. B Procter 2. G Cleverly 6 pods Runner Beans: 2.R Barber

2 courgettes: 1, C Vaughan Williams 2. R Holden 1 cabbage: 1.B Procter

A trug of vegetables: 1. K Hinds 2. G Cleverly 1 cucumber: 1. K Hinds 2. P Tibbatts

4 ripe tomatoes: 1.R Barber 2. B Procter A truss of tomatoes: 1.B Procter 2. P Tibbatts

1 flower and 1 vegetable: 1.B Procter 2. P Tibbatts 4 distinct vegetables on a tray: 1. B Procter 2. G Cleverley Up to 6 culinary herbs: 1. B Procter 2. H Brown A saucer of one variety soft fruit: 1 B Procter

Any vegetable or fruit not included elsewhere: 1. B Procter 2.K Huck

Best in Section: Bill Proctor.Four distinct vegetables on a tray.

Egg Section:

3 hen eggs: 1. K Hinds 2. E Huck 3 bantam eggs: 1. & 2. C Vaughan-Williams

3 hen eggs including contents: 1. K Hinds 2.G Cleverly 3 bantam egg including contents: 1.C Vaughan-Williams

Best in Section: Kathryn Hinds: 3 hens eggs including contents

Art, Photography & Handicraft Section:

Painting of a North Yorkshire Landmark: 1. A Jupp 2. C Horsewill A painting in any medium: 1. I Radford 2.C Horsewill ‘Drawing of a bridge 1. S Gooch 2. I Radford

A drawing any other subject: 1. D Storey 2. I Radford 4 themed photographs: 1. J Butler 2. J Leeming 4 different photographs 1.D Storey 2. J Leeming

Papercraft: 1. M Greenhalgh 2. K Hale: Bag, box or bowl: 1 S Gooch An item of interior/exterior decor: 1. E Cox An item using embroidery thread : 1.S Goold 2. S Dewhirst Knitted/ crocheted item: 1. H Brown2. S Dewhirst Any other needlework

H Brown 2. S Gooch An item of felt work: 1. S Gooch 2. P Smith Any other item: 1. T Horsewill 2.P Smith

Best in Section: Tony Horsewill Any other item.

Cookery Section:

4 Bread rolls: 1. N Burton 2. C Wilkinson 4 Ginger biscuits: 1. K Huck 2.J Huck

4 cheese scones: 1. & 2.C Wilkinson 4 pieces of flapjack: 1. J Huck 2. J Burton

4 jam tarts: 2. S Dewhirst 4 Muffins:1 C Wilkinson 2. D Coultherd Vegetarian Savoury: 1& 2. J Leeming A cold desert: 1. G Cleverly Fruit pie: 1. J Huck 2. R Holden Jar of jam: 1. C Wilkinson 2. B Procter A Jar of sweet or savoury jelly

1. R Holden 2. B Procter A jar of marmalade: 1. K Huck 2. M Eaton Jar of lemon curd: 1.G Cleverly 2. M Eaton A bottle of home-made wine or liqueur: 1. & 2. C Wilkinson A cordial or non-alcoholic drink: 1. J Huck A jar of pickle/chutney: 1. R Holden Children only-4 buns 1. G Huck 2. E Huck

Best in Section: Sue Goold. Recipe item.

Children’s Section:

Artwork, under 5 years: 1. E Boxford 2. R Todd Artwork 5-8 years 1. E Huck 2. W Swinscoe Handwriting 1. E Huck 2. W Swinscoe A Monster 1. H Boxford 2. M Cleverly Olympic theme poster 1. H Boxford 2. E Boxford Photo of an insect 1.O Moss 2. W Swinscoe Letter of the Alphabet 1.E Huck 2. R Todd Collage on a plate 1. E Huck 2. R Todd An animal made from fruit or vegetable 1.A Webster 2. R Todd A Model made from junk 1. R Todd 2. W Swinscoe. Artwork 9-14 years 1. M Swinscoe 2. G Huck

Anything you like 1. H Boxford 2. J Moss

Best in Section: Harris Boxford. Anything you like

Graham Cleverly

2024 Village Show Chair

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