Are you a responsible dog owner?

Or do you leave it for the Dog Poo Fairy to collect?

Breaking News ———- There’s no such thing as the Dog Poo Fairy

With the welcome return of visitors to our village, friends and residents are now beginning to get out and about, some with new additions of the canine variety! So keeping our environment is vital to everyone’s help and well being.

Keep Britain Tidy’s research shows that dog fouling is a major concern to members of the public. There also appears to be a bigger problem that has arisen in that increasing amounts of bagged dog faeces are being left behind as people fail to dispose of their bags after cleaning up after their pets. Research has also found that 70% of local authorities have some sort of problem within their area.

Dog mess is an eyesore and a health hazard. If you are a dog owner, you have a legal duty to clean up every time your dog messes in a public place unless you are exempt owning to visual impairment or other disability.

Most local councils require dog owners to carry a poop scoop and disposable bag whenever they take their dogs out to a public place. Some councils like Craven District Council provide FREE dog bags – paid of course from the parish levy. So the Parish Council have concerns as to finding a long term solution and are in discussion with Craven District Council and the dog warden service.

Poo bags are available at Crossleigh Store and bins are situated at the end of regularly used walking areas.

Do you walk with your animal behind you or cycle in front of your dog? Then how do you know what your pet is doing and what mess they are leaving in your wake?

Active discussions have resulted in assessments taking place by the Dog Warden Police and Parish Council, resulting in recommendations for future actions to stop this anti-social element who refuse to collect their dogs excrement from pathways and borders in and around the village. While offenders need to be witnessed “caught in the act” before a sanction can be imposed the better way is to educate and change behaviour!

With visitors returning reflecting givernment guidelines we are hopeful they will also follow the country code, taking litter home and ensuring that there animals are looked after, including droppings!

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